I’m listening to Audioslave’s self titled. It’s still perfect. What’s yours?

    • FireWire400
      7 months ago

      First of all, this happened a few years prior, when I was 7 or so, and I was in elementary school so don’t laugh at me too much. I got a CD-R my dad made with 500 classic and prog rock tracks (aptly named “Arrow 500”… why do I remember this stuff?) and on it - along with Eagles, Kinks, Rolling Stones, Doors and other bands that have the prefix “the” - were a few tracks by Wishbone Ash.

      Well, I thought the track “The King Will Come” as well as seemingly the whole band was about Pokémon, purely based off the word “Ash”. I couldn’t really understand English at the time so I must’ve just assumed that every time someone used that word they were referring to the protagonist of the Pokémon TV show (which I watched religiously at the time I might add).

      Nevermind the Album being 24 years older than the entire Pokémon franchise.