• @[email protected]
    7 months ago

    Because this is clearly bullshit.

    Dont get me wrong, i totally believe there are exceptions made for specific accounts in exactly this fashion, but the stuff seen in the screenshots is just completely fabricated. Whatever this is, its not how Twitter would configure exceptions for stuff like this.

    Read this for a rundown of why its either completely fabricated or at least not trustworthy

    Article: https://dataconomy.com/2024/07/25/twitter-api-leak-twitter-protected-users/

    R*ddit comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/h3h3productions/comments/1ebf8lx/comment/let06na/

    This keeps getting posted today and its fucking stupid. There are many legitimate points to criticize about Twitter and Musk so there is no point in spreading fake shit.

    • @big_slap
      417 months ago

      the way twitter handled this (banning this user) is going to make people spiral and believe this was legitimate, as well. throwing a lot of fuel on the fire, par for the course with twitter under musk leadership, unfortunately

    • @Blue_Morpho
      147 months ago

      So you are saying that if a post is bullshit, Twitter should delete the account?

      Because Twitter has a double standard when it comes to free speech.

      • @[email protected]
        7 months ago

        No im just providing people with the reason for why he got banned.

        But yeah you cant really expect to spread fake news about the very service you are posting on and not expect to get banned.

        I mean he would probably also be banned if it was real but thats besides the point.

    • Optional
      67 months ago

      I wish they could be more authoritative. Basically they say “well, maybe, but maybe not” with no clear examples either way.

      Would a variable have a subdomain? Unlikely but Musk’s jenius coding antics do not allow us to dismiss it either.

      The security certificate is valid. Ok.

      Why use okta for this? Again ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

      The banned words include British and Australian slurs - ? Ok?

      And ultimately:

      As this story develops, users and observers alike will be watching closely to see if any additional evidence emerges to support or refute the claims made in the Twitter API leak.

      Until then, the true nature of Twitter’s content moderation practices for high-profile accounts remains a subject of speculation and debate.

      • @toasteecup
        7 months ago

        Is this a feature okta provides? They did a demo at my work 2 years back and only talked about their authentication services. Content moderation could be an interesting company direction though I suppose.

        Update: I checked their site and they don’t mention anything about content moderation. I’d be surprised if marketing didn’t try to offer this as a service to people https://www.okta.com/professional-services-for-your-business/

      • Optional
        27 months ago

        Just to note I didn’t look at the second link because f* reddit.

    • fmstrat
      37 months ago

      Yup hope this gets down voted to the ends of the earth until OP updates the title.