• Boomers are having their last dance in charge.
  • Gen X leaders are stepping up to replace the last of them.
  • Younger leaders are taking charge of politics and corporate giants such as Boeing, HSBC, and Costco.
  • @[email protected]
    28 months ago

    The boomers grew up in the “Golden age”… Gen x is the boomers first round of kids… Born from hippy free love and mistakes… Then the boomers grew up, got divorced, and started their millennial “real” families… Gen x caught the shit end of the boomer stick for sure, and it fucked them up as a generation… That and the fact that they caught a lot of the boomers pig headedness, probably because they had far less access to information than millennials.

    Luckily they’re a small and mostly insignificant generation that won’t ever be able to prop up the old oligarchy parties the way the boomers have been able to.

    • Hemingways_Shotgun
      28 months ago

      I’m Gen X and I can tell you from experience that that is mostly accurate.

      We’re the generation that was born, came of age, and entered the workforce when Boomers were still far from retirement age and hording all the good jobs. We had to all go to university to study for the leftovers.

      It was the generation after us, that second round of kids that you talk about, that came of age and started going to University right around the time that Boomers began to retire, leaving all these well paying jobs for them to pick up now that us X’ers had already settled on the crappy jobs.

      • @[email protected]
        38 months ago

        The tech boom of the 90s would disagree with you. Millennials hadn’t finished puberty yet so they weren’t taking the jobs, and boomers were still astonished by the concept of electricity. And since the computer industry was new, it wasn’t like anyone was going to college for it yet.

      • @[email protected]
        18 months ago

        A lot of millennials entered the workforce right around the time of the Great Recession. They were not walking out into a land of economic plenty and have been on a worse economic course throughout their lives because of it. I’m in the Xennial range and I’m damn happy I didn’t enter the workforce a few years later.

    • Bob Robertson IX
      28 months ago

      Luckily they’re a small and mostly insignificant generation

      Fuck you buddy. You’re right, but still, fuck you.