I can imagine people having fun getting lost in the flow of playing a competitive sport. I’ve also heard some people experience a post-workout high. But does anyone actually feel pleasure in the moment while lifting weights, jogging, cycling, etc?

If so… what does it feel like? Is there anything the rest of us can do to cultivate such a mindset?

  • Lemmy Reddit That
    1 year ago

    Yes, I do actually enjoy working out. I am a sotfware developer, but at the end of the work day, I am tired of developing, I am tired of computers, and I just want to go outside. Both cycling and hiking is my therapy and I clear my head when I do it. I like fresh air, nature and views from mountains. Also, I feel really happy when I finish working out, because I know I did something for myself. But it was not always like that. It was hard from the start, but step after step, it became easier and easier for me. Don’t start with too long walks/hikes/rides. Starts with smaller ones, and every few days add more and more. Start with 1km walk for example. Next week add maybe 0,5km more. Next week maybe add some hill or something. Just don’t overdo it. And find some motivation to do it. Do you like nature? Go walking into nature. Do you like dogs? Get a dog and go walking with a dog.

    How did I start hiking and why? When I was hiking with my friends, I was always last, and I couldn’t keep up with my friends. Also, it was really hard for me. I was also overweight. So I had to do something about myself. I started walking, but with short walks. Really short ones (like 0,5km only). But every few walks I added more and more. Now I can do really long walks and hikes without any problem.

    How did I start cycling and why? Well that’s another story. I really liked one girl, and she was cyclist. I was thinking it would be easier for me to hang out with her if I also start cycling. I would also have something to talk about with her. So I started cycling and cycling and cycling. Of course I was also talking with her, showing my results, etc. She was really big motivation for me. Unfortunately, it didn’t work out with her, we went on a lot of dates, but eventually, we stopped dating. But at the end of the day, she helped me becoming good cyclist and now I can do really long rides, without any problem.

    So, moral of the story: I think the main key here is motivation. Find something that will motivate you. And it doesn’t need to be about walking or hiking or cycling. It can be totally different. This worked for me, but something else will work for some other people.