Posting a safe pic. This place needs some content. I like games, cars, computers and guns. Lemmy has enough of the former to keep me engaged, but the gun side is really lacking.

  • SokathHisEyesOpen
    2 years ago

    That’s a lot of AR format rifles. I’m more impressed by how efficiently you fit all of them into your safe.

    Edit: did you file the Form 1 for the SBRs? How long did it take for them to process it? I’ve been waiting since March and it’s still pending with no updates.

    • @ShortbusOP
      2 years ago

      There’s 3 “AR-15s”. 10.3" 5.56 SBR, 10" 300blk SBR and a 13.9(with pin/weld so technically 16.1") 5.56

      There are 2 “AR-10s”. The long 20" one with the can on it on the left in 308. A 12" 8.blk SBR that’s hard to see.

      What can I say… it’s a fun and versatile platform, it’s like adult Legos. I built all of them from parts. The only work I had someone else do was the pin/weld and the FSB on the 13.9" one.

      There’s a century arms ap5-p(mp5) SBR hiding in there as well. All eform 1s.

      Other inventory in there is a Zastava AK (m70 I think), Henry Model X 45-70, A pellet rifle. My buddy’s 16" AR10 and Bergara B14 HMR 308.

      Edit. As for form 1 processing time they ranged from like around a month for the shortest to a bit over 90 days for the longest… So all over place. The wait sucks for sure. After the first few it gets easier (especially for cans). I want to say my longest form 1 was like 103 days or something like that. You gotta be almost there!

      And thanks! It’s definitely at max capacity… I could probably stuff more in if I tried… But it would be a huge PITA to do.

      • SokathHisEyesOpen
        2 years ago

        Thanks for the information! I’m going to need to file again because I’d like to get a suppressor for my Remington 700 308. It has a threaded barrel and it is incredibly loud, so why not? Right?

        How do you like that Zastava? I looked high and low for a Zastava M70 with the Mauser 98 action, because they’re probably the most affordable Mauser out there, but I had no luck and ended up with the Remington. I’m still keeping my eyes open for one if they pop up.