• @AA5B
    198 months ago

    We could call it “Social Security”. Before there was GoFundMe, there were taxes that could be used in a similar fashion for expenses society finds valuable.

    I’ll be the evil right wing swine here and say it out loud - I don’t expect you to be able to retire from a part time minimum wage job, but that’s also the reason we have ’safety nets’ that are supposed to ‘catch’ you in these cases. It shouldn’t be a surprise that you can’t retire from a McDonalds gig but don’t let your outrage redirect you from the “one in four adults do not have any retirement savings”, or the (implied?) social security is insufficient

      • @AA5B
        8 months ago

        There should be a safety net letting you have livable retirement regardless whether you’ve worked or how successfully. That applies both to this gentleman and the “one in four adults do not have any retirement savings”. My point is we should be more outraged about the lack of the latter