Wray said it’s not clear yet whether it might have been shrapnel

    • @charles
      477 months ago

      Some people speculated on this from day 1 when he wasn’t posing for photos with his “bullet wound.”

      • GladiusB
        47 months ago

        That’s because it looks staged. He also has been on WrestleMania a few times and is aware of how to stir up a crowd like that. It’s not that much of a stretch to say he had a good idea that the crowd would eat it up.

        • @charles
          47 months ago

          Nah, no need for a conspiracy theory. Also NYT photographer got a picture of a flying bullet.

      • @Pretzilla
        17 months ago

        There’s a single hole in one upper corner in a photo.

        But my casual impression is that screen was on the far side from the shooter, based on the direction of the sun. But I can’t be sure of that without more info.

    • @frog_brawler
      27 months ago

      I was on board with this theory for a minute, but I changed my mind.

      If you watch the video of the exact time this occurred, he definitely grabs at something on the side of his face that’s not visible to the camera with his right hand. For a brief moment, you can see that his hand is bloodless.

      However, two people died… so that’s the part that can’t really be staged.

      If two people hadn’t died, I’d think he crushed one of those Halloween blood capsule things when he went to duck and cover, but the two deaths lead me to believe otherwise.