• @gAlienLifeform
    2 months ago

    Yes, of course, the United States has definitely never propped up any right wing death squads in Latin America, and it doesn’t send their highly corrupted police forces tens of millions of dollars in military aid and then turn a blind eye when the gang members those forces employ extort and abuse and murder people, we’ve always been so committed to human rights down there /s

    Didn’t start with Kamala, but she sure didn’t change shit about it

      • @gAlienLifeform
        2 months ago

        Haven’t read up on that because I’m a bit busy staying on top of my own country’s election, but to cut to what you’re really asking about - the US is certainly not the only government violating human rights in the area and the Venezuelan people deserve better than what Chavez and Maduro have delivered to them, imo

        • wildncrazyguy138
          52 months ago

          I agree with your sentiment, but I’m concerned that they’re putting all of their “faith” in a far right candidate. They’ve made her a cult of personality.