    77 months ago

    I’m joking about the ai thing, but I did stage the photo, for the record. (I noticed the milk after and have since wiped it up.)

      • @OldManBOMBINOP
        7 months ago

        I will when I’m not using it to transplant fruit tree cuttings, Mr. CumFart 👍

          • @OldManBOMBINOP
            77 months ago

            I have a couple of mulberry cuttings I’m trying to get started - it’s a bit early, but they usually do pretty well; I’m going to start on an apple tree next, and may do more after. We’ll see.

            I’d also like to go hiking and find some pawpaw, more persimmon, and whatever else I can find.

              • @OldManBOMBINOP
                47 months ago

                Possibly. We have a peach tree that we’ve grafted onto from a couple of different species, so we’ll just do the same for apples if we must. I haven’t done the research yet. To be honest, I didn’t help with the peach tree, and I’m just now kinda getting into trying to preserve the native fruit trees we have around my home, so I don’t quite know what I’m doing yet.

    • @Potatisen
      67 months ago

      Is this a workshop kitchen or something?

      • @OldManBOMBINOP
        7 months ago

        Well, kinda, in the sense that I treat my entire existence as a workshop. Always tinkering, but never really accomplishing anything. Like Inspector Clouseau but with no case to speak of. A tortured artist whose only accomplished piece will be the grease stain on the cat-scratched couch. Too busy waiting on life to actually enjoy it. Too much to do to accomplish anything at all.

        But I’m doing better than I used to. I used to drink!

              • @OldManBOMBINOP
                47 months ago

                I must admit, there was one single time when I thought “maybe homemade wine will be ok” and it was not. So I did backslide 2 years ago, but I don’t think it should reset the counter. Though I’ve never gotten an opinion on it.

                • Maeve
                  37 months ago

                  Opinion about what happened once doesn’t really matter, unless it was yours at the time and what, if anything, you learned about yourself. You stumbled out fell down, maybe got a bit mashed up a bit, picked yourself up, dusted it off and got on with healing. That’s amazing.

                  • @OldManBOMBINOP
                    37 months ago

                    Oh. Well thanks :-). I appreciate the kindness.