• Optional
    1482 months ago

    Marc van der Chijs said, “I don’t think Trump’s speech will gain him a lot of new voters among Bitcoiners.”

    “The other way around, many will now see him for what he really is,” he added. “It was my first time watching him speak live. He sounds like a low IQ conman to me, I wouldn’t believe anything he tells me.”

    Is trump new to anyone? Wow. Yes. Yes, he’s a low IQ conman. Congratulations on sussing it out so quickly, some red state yokels will never grok it.

      • @barsquid
        132 months ago

        They’re used to high IQ conmen.

      • @stoly
        22 months ago

        Cryto bros aren’t stupid, they are foolish and ignorant. It actually takes quite a bit of intelligence (i.e. can do coding) to do anything with crypto on your own.

        • @[email protected]
          62 months ago

          Literally all it takes is a binance account and a down payment and you can make your own cryptocurrency off Ethereum. Thats what most cryptoscams do because it takes almost no time and is crazy easy to start and manipulate.

          • @stoly
            12 months ago

            But are those who we’re calling crypto bros? For me, it’s the people who set up their own mining rigs.

            • @[email protected]
              42 months ago

              Anyone into Cryptocurrencies is a crypto bro. The vast majority of which do not have the means to do any actual mining.

    • @Etterra
      232 months ago

      I’m amazed that the people dumb enough to fall for crypto are able to see through Trump like a window. It’s surreal.

      • @taiyang
        192 months ago

        To be fair, I wouldn’t blanket that convention with “people who fell for crypto”. You’ve got those, but more likely people who sell crypto who are either con men or tech bros. I’m not at all surprised they’d be unimpressed with the low IQ con man, lol

        • @Etterra
          32 months ago

          Fair point. My implication was for the suckers who lost their savings, not the asshole rug pullers who did the scamming. I should have been clearer about that.

    • @stoly
      2 months ago

      These are people who think that Musk is an intellect, don’t forget. For every person who notices Trump for what he is, there are 10 sycophants who think he can do no wrong.

    • @barsquid
      32 months ago

      I’m just impressed by how succinctly and accurately “low IQ conman” describes Donald.