• @CharlesDarwin
    86 months ago

    My favorite is when they’ve been crying all these crocodile tears over the plight of women under Shariah Law and so on - Republicans: “OMG! women cannot even drive in Saudi Arabia! You should be glad we are trying to make you worship the Lord here in Jesustan in the way we interpret the very same source material!”

    Also Republicans: “We need to keep these womenfolk from travelin’ outside our Gilead states to more free states. Because freedom and Jesus”.

    (They do the same crocodile tears over treatment of Teh Gheyz under extremist Islamic rule, too, by the way)

    The reality is, when they bitch about “creeping Shariah Law” is that they are jealous that another brand of an Abrahamic cult might outdo them at their own game, but just call the god they both worship (which is Allah/Yahweh/Jehovah) by a name they don’t really appreciate all that much.