• @Mango
    22 months ago

    Except they both say what the left guy says and accuse the other of being the right guy. You both also use all of the same strategies. Silver your opposition, throw shit, and make shit up wherever media is owned by you.

    • Lightor
      62 months ago

      Yah except can fact check and see one side is making up a lot more BS. Hell, one news station got sued for making up stuff so bad.

      • @Mango
        -32 months ago

        Everyone can say stuff. How am I to know which stuff said is true?

        • Lightor
          2 months ago

          Look into situations yourself. Like if someone says X person did Y, you can look and see if that’s true. There are plenty of face checking sites that list sources for you to verify information independently. Like when Trump said KH wants to raise retirement age, you can look and see she’s never said that or purposed that.

          Also legal action on a topic is a good indicator as there has been proceedings done so the outcome can be more trusted.

          But as a general rule of thumb I find the side that bans books and education, calls any criticism a lie, and has had a track record of lying on the record countless times as the less trustworthy side.

          • @Mango
            -32 months ago

            Where am I gonna look? I personally have a conviction for something I didn’t do because the legal process is lazy and malicious, so I won’t be trusting that either. Who am I to believe any digital story?

            • Lightor
              32 months ago

              You’re not helpless to look up facts. If you’re asking where to look go to the source. For the example I mentioned you can look at her platform. Your stance seems to be very close to the “how can we know anything” which is often pushed as a mindset when a group of bad actors calls everything into question to avoid accountability. Truths can be known, things can be confirmed.

              As for court, I said it’s more trustworthy, but not absolute by any means. It’s controlled by people, and people are not infallible.

              • @Mango
                -32 months ago

                Nothing is knowable. The map is not the territory and mappers have motivations.

                • Lightor
                  02 months ago

                  So you don’t know your own name, how to read or type? Impressive.

                  • @Mango
                    -32 months ago

                    Names are arbitrary and I think the officiation of my name is only useful for financial purposes. I can read and type for sure, but who is to decide that the way I’m doing it is correct? Besides, these are working knowledge rather than truth of the matter. We can work with electricity without knowing it’s full nature. Apparently electricity is incredibly weird.