• @[email protected]
    137 months ago

    Even when using in a basic way, I think it has one very tangible advantage: the fact that you can “compartmentalize” different aspects of your configuration.

    Let’s say I set up a specific web service that I want to put behind a reverse proxy, and it uses a specific folder that doesn’t exist yet, like Navidrome which is a web-based audio player. It requires a set of adjustments of different system parts. My nix file for it looks like this:

    { config, ... }:
      domain = "music." + toString config.networking.domain;
        services.navidrome = {
          enable = true;
          settings = {
            Address = "";
            Port = 4533;
            MusicFolder = "/srv/music";
            BaseUrl = "https://" + domain;
            EnableSharing = true;
            Prometheus.Enabled = true;
            LogLevel = "debug";
            ReverseProxyWhitelist = "";
        services.nginx = {
          upstreams = {
            navidrome = {
              servers = {
                "${toString config.services.navidrome.settings.Port}" = {};
        services.nginx.virtualHosts."${domain}" = {
          onlySSL = true;
          useACMEHost = config.networking.domain;
          extraConfig = ''
            include ${./authelia/server.conf};
          locations."/" = {
            proxyPass = "http://navidrome";
            recommendedProxySettings = false;
            extraConfig = ''
              include ${./authelia/proxy.conf};
              include ${./authelia/location.conf};
        systemd.tmpfiles.settings."navidrome-music-dir"."${toString config.services.navidrome.settings.MusicFolder}" = {
          d = {
            user = "laser";
            mode = "0755";
        systemd.services.navidrome.serviceConfig.BindReadOnlyPaths = ["/run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf"];
        security.acme.certs."${config.networking.domain}".extraDomainNames = [ "${domain}" ];

    All settings related to the service are contained in a single file. Don’t want it anymore? Comment it out from my main configuration (or whereever it’s imported from) and most traces of it are gone, the exception being the folder that was created using systemd.tmpfiles. No manually deleting the link from sites-available or editing the list of domains for my certificate. The next generation will look like the service never existed.

    And in my configuration, at least the port could be changed and everything would still work – I guess there is room for improvement, but this does what I want pretty well.

    • @tux7350
      17 months ago

      Hey this is a great web server example! Instead of commenting it out to enable or disable you can actually turn it into a full module. Check out this example of a nix module. Basically, you can take your code you pasted and put it under the config set. Then create an option to enable that set of code. Now you can always have this nix file imported, but enable the option only when you need it with another declaration. Really, that’s how all the declarations work you’re just getting the nix files from github and nixpkgs.

      • @[email protected]
        17 months ago

        Thanks for the answer; I do have at least one module in my config, but usually, I don’t enable or disable services like that, it was more of an example of how the configuration is split up and what the advantage of that is. In the end, if the only option is to enable the module, you’re not gaining that much if you need to import and enable it instead of just importing the configuration straight is my opinion.

    • @[email protected]
      17 months ago

      Love the example here!

      I’m still learning about available references (ex config.services.navidrome.settings.Port). What resources did you find to be the best for learning that kind of thing?

      I’ll accept RTFM if that’s applicable :)

      • @[email protected]
        47 months ago

        Well, a lot of it is just trying stuff out, but let’s say you want to setup Navidrome because you read about it somewhere. My first step is always to go to https://search.nixos.org/options? and search for it, it’ll show you the options available. If you want to know how it’s implemented under the hood, press the “Declared in” link where it shows you the source code of the module, this can sometimes be helpful.

        Other than that, read the wiki for examples, and remember that nix is a full language and not just a configuration, so you can keep it flexible.

      • @tux7350
        37 months ago

        Use nix repl! That stands for Read Eval Print Loop. You can evaluate a nix expression and see all the attributes inside. For example, on a non-flake system, use :l <nixpkgs/nixos> inside the repl to load the current system. Then you can hit the tab key to show whats inside of the current attribute set, make sure you have a . at the end. Then you can press enter to evaluate and see the declaration. For example when you set networking.hostName in configuration.nix you can actually find it under options.networking.hostName.value evaluating that in the repl.

        • @[email protected]
          17 months ago

          Amazing! I’ve used that before but just to look for packages offline. I’ll definitely check that out.

    • @suction
      17 months ago

      They’re not in a single file though, you got includes

      • @[email protected]
        17 months ago

        Technically correct, but the settings in there are not service specific. However, if there’s something worthy of reworking it’s probably the Authelia part