• Porto881
    207 months ago

    And I’m just going to presume that these aging workers voter (and will vote) for the same parties who have run their shithole states for decades, expecting things to change?

    • @Kadaj21
      57 months ago

      I’m guessing that’s are well paying jobs that provide a good work/life balance, eh? No?

      • Porto881
        77 months ago

        “Work/life? Well yes, your work will be your life! Welcome to town stranger!”

    • @ChicoSuave
      57 months ago

      The party of personal responsibility has changed the mindset of those that listen to them. First, understand the ideal scenario for those small towns: they want things to stay the way they are and change is bad.

      The people they vote for, that are killing them with policy decisions, don’t let their actions be directly involved in stymying the rurals. Farmers will raise hell if someone fucks with their water and dirt. But the right supports business, right? And so when a big business moves in and takes all the water for industrial use, the farmers get mad at the corp and not the politician who signed off on the water usage.

      The right does directly harm rural communities - they let big business do it for them. When Walmart killed the mom and pop stores in those regions, no one blamed the politicians who did nothing. They blamed Walmart. And then kept shopping there.

      They aren’t savvy, they don’t critically analyze their situation, and they don’t know how to politically defend themselves. So the right abuses them and then points to the change (regardless of its positive) that those “others not from around here” are trying to force on the people. It’s word games that the left doesn’t challenge so the right has de facto won most rural areas.