Over half of Israeli men - 61 percent - do not consider forcing sex on an acquaintance as rape, a study conducted by Tel-Hai Academic College recently found. Moreover, 41 percent of Israeli women share that view.
Over half of Israeli men - 61 percent - do not consider forcing sex on an acquaintance as rape, a study conducted by Tel-Hai Academic College recently found. Moreover, 41 percent of Israeli women share that view.
TF is going on over there?
Source: The Times of Israel - There is no democracy with occupation FEB 28, 2023 by Nadav Tamir
No. You cannot blame this on Judaism. I know many Jews, and many more Jews I don’t know, who have spoken against Israel and Zionism. Zionism is a racist and colonialist ideology.
Judaism, like all Abrahamic faiths, is a fundamentally broken view of the world that will inherently cause division. Remember the whole reason this situation exists is because all of the Abrahamic dipshits involves think Israel is “the holy land”
Just because it’s your favorite flavor doesn’t mean it isn’t kool aid
I hate to make this about myself but I admin [email protected] for a reason. Just because I don’t believe in Abrahamic tradition and monotheism doesn’t mean I can go making up shit about it.
The whole situation exists because of colonialism, geopolitics, access to resources, trade routes and so on. Empires since the Greeks, Achaemenids and Romans fought over this land. A historical and material analysis might guide you here.
The founders of the Zionist movement were atheists.