• @Jiggle_Physics
    27 months ago

    Are they a liberal laissez faire capitalist market? No. However they operate as a capitalist market that is tied to the government. Their special economic zones operate in ways that even places like the US find under regulated. They have people running corporations and making billions in private capital, while investing their capital in shares/futures/etc markets. They are a capitalist country, they are also a dictatorship that ultimately controls everything. These things are not mutually exclusive.

    • @[email protected]
      17 months ago

      However they operate as a capitalist market that is tied to the government. Their special economic zones operate in ways that even places like the US find under regulated. They have people running corporations and making billions in private capital, while investing their capital in shares/futures/etc markets.



      also a dictatorship that ultimately controls everything.


      • @Jiggle_Physics
        17 months ago

        Ok under the billionaires one it literally says it is mixes private business and capital investment as a venue that makes a strong economy due to pragmatism. They find it pragmatic to be capitalists when they want to make money and increase their capital holdings, because it make the economy better.

        Great, ultimately, you get to vote for one party’s offerings, and they get that appointment for life, and control a police/surveillance state. Great democracy there. Recently they have purged a lot of high ranking party members, due to graft, making them a paper tiger, of sorts, in a lot of their most important new weapons developments. Not dictatory at all.

        Look, person, I do not think China is the big evil, as portrayed by western media. However they are a highly authoritarian police state, with a single party dominance, the head of which is a life time appointment. They also participate in capitalism, not the open, liberal, laissez faire type, but they have a class of capital owners, investing that capital to increase said capital holdings. They just have big brother standing behind them, hand on their shoulder, watching what they are doing.

        I also do not like the capital colonialism of the west. If I had to choose to personally live under one, or the other, I would stay where I am, because I am not the personality type to conform, at least publicly, to the legal framework China practices. China is shittier than the west in some ways, and the west is shittier than China in others. Both are surveillance states, China has proven more proactive in targeting people who publicly diverge from their party line. Where I am I can openly say nearly anything about my government, and I won’t be forced into a camp, and re-educated. We just have other prison industry issues. I am actually intimately aware of, as I used to do data analysis for the “corrections” system.

        Basically, there are no “good guys”.

        • @[email protected]
          -27 months ago

          Honestly at this point it seems like you’re not really engaging with the material: your more reasonable concerns are straight up addressed in the material listed.

          Where I am I can openly say nearly anything about my government, and I won’t be forced into a camp, and re-educated.

          Do you see this as a good thing? I’d rather live in a society that re-educated people who were saying Nazi shit tbh

          • @Jiggle_Physics
            17 months ago

            Yeah, I absolutely believe I should be able to say what I will, about my government, without being fucked by the state. The fact that you can not see why that is a better way to live informs me of you authoritarianism. The reasons you should be curtailed are few and far between. Like I understand that if I say I am going to assassinate a poltico, that should be illegal, and things of this nature. Also, being a nazi is a non-sequitur to my statement. That goes far beyond talking shit about your own government. That requires action.

            Yeah, I read them, and the way they are addressed doesn’t sound good to me. I have read more in-depth pieces discussing the same things. Sorry, I am far too against the type of control they exercise. They practice a hierarchy that is even more rigid than where I am from, so that’s not gonna work for me. I am an anti-authoritarian leftist, China does not jive well with me.

            • @[email protected]
              -17 months ago

              Okay, well your “anti-autboritarian” ideology gets anywhere you’ll have my support, until then I’ll support socialist projects that actually work within their limitations.

              • @Jiggle_Physics
                17 months ago

                And when your authoritarian ideology gets you something, that isn’t a brutal police state, you will have my support. Until then I will support progressive movements, and incremental steps away from the right, and dictatorship.

                • Cowbee [he/they]
                  17 months ago

                  What progressive movements are deserving of your support, currently? When has incrementalism worked in keeping the far-right at bay?

                  • @Jiggle_Physics
                    17 months ago

                    The right, in general, is not nearly as popular as it was when I was a kid. The current movement was started because they were losing ground in a way that was not recoverable. The minority has been orchestrating a take over for decades because they realize that their long term prospects are dire. This is an animal backed into a corner, fighting for it’s life, and it is already seeing a massive, and growing backlash. The GOP is literally going bankrupt. This is despite stacking the courts, and other footholds they spent decades creating.

                    As for current incremental progressive causes I personally work on?

                    Changing the style of voting in my state from FTPT. It has already taken a couple states, and is growing in popularity across the country.
                    Reduction of drug draconian drug laws. Weed is very much on it’s way to a federal legalization. More, and more, places have been working with decriminalization of hard drugs. I used to work in data analysis in the “corrections” system and it is definitely moving away from simply punishing non-violent criminals. Most municipalities now move people committing crimes for addiction into rehab, have been increasing the number of ways they will keep charges off your record for long term compliance with rehab, and sober living. There is also a growing movement towards these things outside of just addiction. The momentum is towards rehabilitation for most non-violent crimes. Healthcare reform. This one is more of a sleeper to those not working within organizations working towards it. When I became and adult there was literally no way for me to get any form of health coverage, at all, full stop. Now I can not only get coverage, it doesn’t require things like a 25k deductible. Pricing cap legislation is being pushed, other price regulation for drugs is being pushed, and, despite it being one of the top three most heavily lobbied industries. The amount of the general public, and medical professionals, who support socialized healthcare has been growing.

                    As for the things I don’t donate time time to work on, personally. The position minority communities are in is better than when I was a kid, even with recent regressive gains in some places, taken into consideration. These regressive movements are already under strong fire, and, even in deep red states, are not going to last. Even the courts they stacked are backing off on their support of the movement, because it is proving to be unpopular to the point they are being forced to choose the viability of their career, in the long term, over current clout that will likely not manifest the gains promised. This is combined with the USSC, and some other fed judges, having issues come to light that are sidetracking most of what they do, in order to just claw onto their position. Labor organization is the most popular it has been since the 40s. Labor organization has been making the biggest gains, both in terms of unionization of workers, and in the legal theater, since my father was born. The most popular candidate of the right is an absolute shit-show, and other than his minority-in-a-minority, cult of personality, is driving people away, and stressing the foundations of the party. Meanwhile the DNC is slowly deciding to pull it’s head, at least somewhat, out of it’s ass, and has dumped joe for the most progressive primary candidate we have had in a long time. She is also the first to hold that position, for a number of categories. Is she a leftist? No, not even close, I didn’t even expect that as a possibility, however she is a step further left than what we have seen get the position of primary candidate. We actually, finally, have serious work towards judicial reform. Government immunity is also finally in the crosshairs of the majority of democrats.

                    I could go on. Compared to 40 years ago, a LOT of progressive legislation has happened, and the ones that saw the biggest attacks from the neo-liberals are, again, seeing massive resurgences in popularity. Even when you look at the youth that has decided to support right wing parties, when you ask them what they think think is needed to better their position in life, it is largely progressive desires, even though they don’t seem to understand that. Every time I read surveys of that population, the vast majority of their issues are loss of workers rights, too much corporate control, not enough regulation against dangerous business practices, need for legal mandates to make more housing, and to keep artificial inflation down, unaffordable healthcare, the weakening of public education, especially in terms of the costs of university, wealth disparity, etc.

                    All of this is better than living under a dictatorship, you know, like a “democracy” that has one candidate, that gets appointed for life, and controls a police state, the likes of which Stalin couldn’t have imagined.