Here’s hoping they migrate to as Terraria’s contributors have a while ago.

  • @Armok_the_bunny
    271 year ago

    I’m an editor for a community wiki that moved off fandom a few years ago to Mireheze. When the recent discussion about Miraheze shutting down happened I briefly inquired about where we would migrate to, expressing my hope to not return to fandom, and was quite thouroghly assured that fandom is not somewhere that would even be considered returning to. I don’t think I’ve had a single positive experience on a fandom wiki ever, or at least not in over 8 years, with issues ranging from intrusive ads, to the comment section pop in making scrolling inconsistent, to even something as simple as it universally looking fucking ugly, I can’t wait for people to leave and am actively cheering on its slow death as a website.