From Raven Ridge Wildlife Center

We released a baker’s dozen of screech owls, many of which were abandoned, orphaned, or injured fuzzballs.

The rehabilitation of these tiny but mighty owls is not cheap. For example, rehabilitating 13 baby screech owls for almost three months costs us $1755 just for their diet of just mice. Their proper diet, vitamins, supplements and medical care is vital in raising strong and healthy baby wildlife. Your continued support is what helps us help our native wildlife.

Did you know:

  • The Eastern screech owl excels in a wide variety of environments.
  • They are the most common feathered predators in urban areas.
  • Screech owls use tactics like elongating their bodies and swaying to mimic a tree’s movement.
  • The reason for different color morphs of the Eastern screech owl is unknown.
  • The average lifespan of a screech owl in the wild is 3 to 7 years.
  • They are preyed upon by various predators, including owls, hawks, and crows. Surviving female screech owls can pass on immunity to West Nile virus to their chicks.
  • Eastern screech owls are larger the further north they live.

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      22 months ago

      The Honorable Joseph Z. Chompamouse