The former president effectively “birthed” the project. Now that it’s a political liability, one of Trump’s foot soldiers is out of a job

As he entered the final stretch of the 2024 presidential race, Donald Trump spent much of this month trying to disown the highly Trumpy, Heritage Foundation-led Project 2025 — to the point that he even got his fans to boo the initiative during a recent campaign rally. His protracted freakout over the conservative project — to which he has multiple direct ties, and which is only as extreme as it is largely because of his influence — is driven almost entirely by Trump’s fear over one thing.

When the twice-impeached ex-president and convicted felon took to social media in early July to make the (patently absurd) claim that “I know nothing about Project 2025, [and] I have no idea who is behind it,” he added, “I disagree with some of the things they’re saying, and some of the things they’re saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal.” He did not specify what “things” he meant.

  • Jesus
    157 months ago

    Trump is a useful idiot that, like with his last presidency, will just implement the prepackaged stuff that is handed to him.

    Justices, department appointees, legislation, etc. When he was in office he basically just rubber stamped dumb right wing stuff that was packaged up from places like the Heritage foundation.

    He WILL do the same thing this time around.