• @count_dongulus
    1651 month ago

    A genuinely heartwarming greentext. Probably fake and gay, but heartwarming nonetheless.

    • Dharma Curious (he/him)
      871 month ago

      As a gay, it’s definitely gay. There’s secret text that only gays can read. I can’t tell you what it says or the ghost of Anderson Cooper will have me excommunicated from the gay Mafia, but it’s there.

      … I fear I’ve said too much already.

      • @Death_Equity
        341 month ago

        The gay agenda is keeping the secrets of 4chan from the normies confirmed.

      • @Jackcooper
        131 month ago

        ghost of Anderson Cooper

        Are you people able to become ghosts even while you’re alive? How do I learn this power??

        • Dharma Curious (he/him)
          71 month ago

          By asking this question you have initiated the ancient ritual. Three spirits will visit you on the eve of national coming out day. You will have to blow them to gain your answers.

      • Match!!
        101 month ago

        @dharmacurious i am here to rescind your prostate

      • @[email protected]
        1 month ago

        While reading this text I definitely read some text. How do I know if that was the gay text or just a regular text?

      • @Maalus
        211 month ago

        Meh, pretty low on scale of weirdness. Pizza employees remember regulars well. Friends of mine are vegetarian and also have some specific exclusions because they don’t like an ingredient. Each time she calls in now, when they hear her voice they immediately ask “vegetarian pizza with xx, without yyy, zzz, medium?” And all she says is “yup”, confirms the address and it’s ordered. Having a “quirky” guy call in with requests like these makes for a cool story you tell your new coworkers, a break in a busy day (“captain america called!”) etc. At the end of the day you’re not forced “to play the game” after all, you can just deliver and not interact.

        • @[email protected]
          41 month ago

          Yep, worked pizza delivery throughout college. There are some people who just become part of the schedule. At my place we would do stuff like keep a clean pizza slicer and paddle ready to keep things halal for the Muslim couple who ordered every Thursday night.

          We had a set up with a shut in that predated anyone’s employment at the store. Every Friday as soon as we opened we would drop off 2 cheese pizzas at the porch and take the money left in the mail box. Never met the person, but they had a pretty sweet deal because they still only paid the price from like 6 years before because no one could ever get a hold of them. They just became kinda a store tradition.

          We also had a couple of older regulars that we would literally call and check on if we hadn’t heard from them in a while. This was nearly 20 years ago in a small college town, so things may be different now.

      • @[email protected]
        41 month ago

        it’s so weird to me that people get so much out of living in the country they were born in. I’ve lived in 5 countries, it’s not that different.