I’m well aware that I can rip most Blu-rays with MakeMKV and then convert to mp4 with Handbrake; however, the former just rips everything raw from the disk so the file size is humongous and the conversion via Handbrake for just a single file is terribly long and puts a lot of strain on my computer.

I’ve heard that EaseFab LosslessCopy is decent, but they only have a Windows and a Mac version, and I’m unsure how well it’d run under Wine.

I am willing to pay for it, but only as long as it’s not a subscription thing. Has to be a one-time payment.

Does anyone know any decent Blu-ray ripping software that fits these conditions and run well on Linux? Specifically, it would be either Pop!_OS or Linux Mint. (I’m still using Windows because I want to figure out some software alternatives before I do so I’m not caught with my pants down, so to speak.)

  • Kata1yst
    1 year ago

    You can link the makeMKV libs to handbrake so it’s a one step process disk -> compressed form.

    # Intention: replace aacs decoding with makemkv's superior libmmbd programatically
    # elevate privilages to sudo
    [ "$UID" -eq 0 ] || exec sudo bash "$0" "$@"
    # test if libmmbd is installed already, exit otherwise
    libmmbdpath=$(find /usr -name libmmbd.so.0)
    echo "libmmbd path is $libmmbdpath"
    if [[ ! $libmmbdpath == *"/lib/"* ]]; then
        echo "libmmbd not found, please install makemkv first"
        exit 0
    # test if libaacs is installed already, set desired path otherwise
    libaacspath=$(find /usr -name libaacs.so.0)
    echo "libaacs path is $libaacspath"
    if [[ ! $libaacspath == *"/lib/"* ]]; then
        echo "libaacs found, you must uninstall libaacs"
        exit 0
    # test if libbdplus is installed already, set desired path otherwise
    libbdpluspath=$(find /usr -name libbdplus.so.0)
    echo "libbdplus path is $libbdpluspath"
    if [[ ! $libbdpluspath == *"/lib/"* ]]; then
        echo "libbdplus found, you must uninstall libbdplus"
        exit 0
    # if we made it here, it's time to take action
    # softlink mmbd to aacs
    ln -s $libmmbdpath $libaacspath
    # softlink mmbd to bdplus
    ln -s $libmmbdpath $libbdpluspath
    echo "successfully set up libmmbd as the system decrypter"
    exit 0
    • wallmenis
      291 year ago

      Bro answers with a complete bash script just for this dude’s conveniance! Hats off to you sir!

    • Vaseline
      171 year ago

      I don’t know whether this is brilliance or madness

    • @[email protected]OP
      81 year ago

      I apologize. As grateful as I am that you took the time to write all this out, I must admit I am still very much a Linux noob and so all this is way beyond my abilities. :/

      • @[email protected]
        81 year ago

        You copy that whole thing into a terminal after you have both makeMKV and Handbrake installed, then press enter

        • @[email protected]
          101 year ago

          While in this case it is the solution (and Kata1yst really seems to know what they’re talking about), I feel like there’s a need to remind people every now and then to be careful with shell scripts. There’s loads of instructions on the internet where they suggest just to pull random script from the internet and pass it trough as is to run with root privileges. When you do something like ‘curl https://stackoverflow…|bash -’ it’s quite literally the same than letting a random guy from the street to your computer and let them do whatever they want with it.

          • @[email protected]
            41 year ago

            Yeah, that’s totally fair. My prior comment was about that exact script, which you and I can both see isn’t malicious, but OP can’t since they don’t know how to read it yet.

            It’s good to point this out. No matter how often reminders are written people still will go and download and run random programs without vetting them. Frankly, I blame how software is distributed for Windows for this general acceptance of blind faith in other peoples’ code without a trusted third party like e.g. the Debian maintainers validating that it works as intended.

    • @pensivepangolin
      51 year ago

      Oh my god I can’t even tell you how much I love you for posting this!

      This is a question I had oh….a decade, I think?….ago and gave up on! Glad there are people smarter than I am out there!

    • 30021190
      11 year ago

      You could check the files you don’t need to see if they’re a symlink, otherwise your script would crash out if it’s already completed.

    • Carlos Solís
      11 year ago

      Is there some legal reason why AACS and BDPlus can’t use the same decoding strategies as MMBD?