Photos from North Sky Raptor Sanctuary

This week features a baby Great-horned owl who has made a remarkable recovery! He came in on April 23rd after falling from the nest. Unfortunately, the fall ended up fracturing his tibiotarsus .

He was scooped up and taken for radiographs to confirm the fx. He was scheduled for surgery on May 3rd with our amazing wildlife vet, Dr. V! She placed an IM pin along with external fixators to help stabilize the bone while it healed.

Follow up rads came 2 weeks later and it was incredible at how well it was healing. It was also time to remove the IM pin due to the fact that babies grow at an incredible rate. Once the IM pin was removed, a follow-up visit was scheduled for May 26th to have the external fixators removed.

Our colleagues over at A.R. K. Association to Rescue Kritters have their surgery suite up and ready to use, so we met there to have this procedure done.

This baby has persevered through his rehab and is now continuing on the road to recovery! He will be with us for awhile to grow up, build up strength and he needs to pass both flight and live-prey testing in order to be successful in the wild. Until, then he and another owl, who came from our colleagues over at ABC Alpena’s Bird Center have been introduced to one another for Some company

Some of you have expressed interest in how some of these rescues get treated medically, and this photo collage shows some neat stuff in a not gory way.