
  • @warbond
    167 months ago

    Yes. It sounds like you’re talking about the features you’re on the lookout for in a used car, which comes off as creepy.

      • @warbond
        37 months ago

        You asked, I answered. Do you want to know what people think about your standards or not? I agree with your friends. I’m not equipped to help you demystify your feelings towards women, but I think a good place to start is by examining why these things are such deal breakers to you. Is the presence of these qualities the only things you find attractive, regardless of any other factors? Because that’s not how people typically view attractiveness.

          • @warbond
            27 months ago

            Anime and video games to the exclusion of everything else? Are those the only two options? What about reading and movies? Or knitting and podcasts?

            If all you do is look for reasons not to date somebody, then that is all you’re going to see.

              • @warbond
                27 months ago

                That standard is fine. Leave the rest out and do things you like in social settings and bip bop boop, you’ve found somebody who’d rather be with you than at a club, even if all you do is watch anime, or she sits on the couch and watches you play video games. Be open to your ideal looking different from what you expected.