Donald Trump's own fans are begging the former president to change course as Vice President Kamala Harris now reportedly leads him in seven national polls.
Trump late Thursday night bragged that one of his endorsed candidates, Bobby Harshbarger, prevailed against incumbent Sen. Jon Lundberg in t...
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Removed, civility.
Uh huh.
Hey, buddy, what’s the current House Representation?
And while we’re at it, what’s 1% of the current US population?
You didn’t answer either question BUDDY. You feeling depressed?
Do you think smelling toast is a depression thing?
I mean, I knew liberals were ignorant, or they’d be socialists, but goddamn.
The common myth is that smelling burned toast that isn’t there is a sign of a stroke. That’s what the other user is accusing you of.
Removing their comment.
I know, ty for raising awareness, just surprised at the follow up. Very strange to move on from the random stroke accusations to depression from the reply.
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Removed, trolling.