• z3rOR0ne
    7 months ago

    I’m on the fence on this. I hate Fox news, but Harris seems to me to be able to think quick on her feet, and can make her arguments succinctly so that even if Trump rambles on, and the Fox team cuts her mic, unless they just shut her mic off from beginning to end (which wouldn’t look good, even for them), she’d still make Trump look like the fool.

    That said, I can’t think of a single person who wouldn’t be feeling the immense pressure in that situation, and it’d be very easy to lose your cool with that much shit piled against you. So I doubt she’ll take the bait and Trump will play it off as her being cowardly, but it’s a nothing burger, he’s just trying to distract from the fact they’ve got no game plan.

    The Trump team is reeling on the back foot right now and are still looking for their footing. They’re about to find it, but that doesn’t mean they’ll be able to recoup from this. They really had no recourse for going up against anyone except Biden, which just goes to show how little foresight and how much arrogance their political strategists had.

    I’ve got my criticisms of Harris, but she is a far better pick than Biden was, and I say if you smell blood in the water, that’s when you fucking go in for the kill. And in this case, since it’s Trump, I’d say it’s fine to kick the man while he’s down. He lost all right to civility after pulling that shit on January 6th.

    • @WindyRebel
      57 months ago

      Would be hilarious to get a Dem in who knows ASL and just keeps going after their mic is cut off. 🤣