Also, thank you for posting and commenting and making such an exciting community thrive!

  • @Today
    17 months ago

    Did you post recently about concerts? I’ve been thinking about that and how difficult that would be.

    • @j4k3
      17 months ago

      I didn’t post about concerts. I don’t follow, sorry.

      • @Today
        27 months ago

        Sorry. My mistake. Someone recently posted that they had a medical condition that severely limited their outings and the thing they missed most was attending concerts.

        • @j4k3
          37 months ago

          No problem. Heck I miss the grocery store, or any chance to interact with real people without being weird or at least weirder than normal. I look fine, and try to mask the pain, but it just comes across as awkward and I end up hurting for days when I push harder. Getting dressed and traveling to a concert is hell for me. I hope whoever it was gets the chance to live their dreams through.