The game is Halo 2 on the MCC

  • Coelacanth
    101 month ago

    I like these posts, but I can not even remotely comprehend how you can juggle all the like one dozen games you play at the same time in your brain.

    • MyNameIsAtticusOP
      41 month ago

      I think part of it is I like to keep “journals” for my characters in lore for some games. So my Skyrim character has one, and so does my Fallout New Vegas, etc. and then another aspect is free time

      • Coelacanth
        21 month ago

        More power to you, I just can’t relate. I can see going between one narrative game and a couple of non-narrative games. Sometimes you just feel like a game of Civ for example or whatnot in-between sessions of say Cyberpunk. But if I’m into one narrative I usually don’t feel like switching, and if I find something else I get sucked into I lose track of the previous one and don’t feel like going back. Juggling this many story games at once is crazy to me. It’s like carrying on 12 different conversations simultaneously. I know people exist that can do it, I just don’t understand how.