• @lgmjon64
    597 months ago

    I had these in a few houses in Germany. I call them trophy shelf toilets.

    • @[email protected]
      427 months ago

      Did you have the light switch outside the bathroom too? That way your friends can make you poop in the dark

      • DefederateLemmyMl
        177 months ago

        Still better than a light sensor in a communal bathroom… outside of the stalls. That’s how it is at my workplace. If I spend a bit too long pooping, and nobody else comes in to poop at the same time, I end up in the dark. Then when I have to wipe, I have to either risk opening the stall door and wave into the room, with my dirty ass hanging out, hoping nobody happens to enter the bathroom at that time, or wait patiently for someone to come in and reactivate the light. Makes me wonder how blind people check their wiping: do they go on flavor or smell?

        • @Freefall
          7 months ago

          Haha, buy some of those super cheap pop lights for closets and use double-sided M3 tape to put one inside every stall 🤣👍🏻

            • @Freefall
              27 months ago

              Or EDC a Warrior 3 and turn on THE SUN…but nah, I was going for the commentary of the lights being installed more than the actual function of them.

      • @BluesF
        107 months ago

        Oh, is that not a thing some places? I think the majority are outside here in the UK, generally electricals are not allowed inside the bathroom (although I’m not sure this actually covers light switches as I’m sure some of them are in there…)

        • @[email protected]
          87 months ago

          I thought the pull-string light switch inside the bathroom was the standard in the UK?

          I’ve only seen switches outside bathrooms in the last 5 years, in recent “having the bathroom re-done” cases.

          It might be an age of house or regional thing though.

          • @bitwaba
            67 months ago

            I think it’s against electrical code. You can have a pull string because the wires are on the ceiling which carries the same risk of getting water in it as the light itself that is also on the ceiling. A wall switch would be lower on the wall and has the risk of wet handed people coming directly in contact with it

            Sometimes you’ll see those “shavers only” sockets in bathrooms, which are different from your typical wall outlets in that they have a GCFI (also called RCD), and/or a built in fuse to limit current, and have a floating ground.

            The light switch and light is likely tied to a “live loop” system which runs 230V, and has a 5 or 6 amp non-GCFI breaker on it. That is considerably more dangerous for a wet human to come in contact with.

        • @GlendatheGayWitch
          27 months ago

          In the US, it’s extremely rare to have a light switch outside if yhe room with the light. Usually there’s a lights witch and a couple sockets in the bathroom by the mirror.

      • @Raiderkev
        87 months ago

        Lol I’m in the states, but one of my friends houses had this “feature” growing up. I definitely turned the light off on him a few times. To top it off, this bathroom had no windows so it got fucking dark in there. It wouldn’t even work today, everyone has phones w them now n would just use that after you turned it off. Kids these days…

        • @Etterra
          77 months ago

          I’ve never had to deal with this, but I always plug in those blue glow night lights in the bathroom so they don’t crash into things when I go to take a piss in the middle of night.

    • @Schmuppes
      77 months ago

      The Germans call them “Flachspüler”.