President Biden expressed the US’s ‘ironclad commitment to NATO’

  • Flying Squid
    101 year ago

    I’m not “butthurt,” I’m just saying you can’t be irrelevant and have power. That makes no sense.

      • Flying Squid
        81 year ago

        Repeating it doesn’t make what you’re saying make sense. “Irrelevant” doesn’t mean stupid or wrong or a traitor, it means you have no effect on things. She has a big effect on things.

          • Flying Squid
            81 year ago

            She’s not my friend. Don’t be a troll. This isn’t Reddit. And of course I’m irrelevant. I have no power. I’m guessing you’re also irrelevant.

              • Flying Squid
                81 year ago

                All I have been saying is that it makes no sense to call someone irrelevant when they have power. That’s it. And somehow that makes me her friend? Please explain yourself.

                  • Flying Squid
                    71 year ago

                    No, I’m not done. You made a specific accusation- that she was my friend. I take offense to that and would like you to please justify it. Unless it was a lie, of course. Then it needs no justification. Was it a lie?