Curious to know what people have encountered in their lives.

  • Eddie Trax
    2 years ago

    First one happened at birth:

    I was turned the wrong way as a baby and the umbilical cord was wrapped around my neck, choking me to death. Doctors had to perform an emergency c-section. In doing so they cut my face with the scalpel in two spots. Almost didn’t make it but have these cool scars.

    EDIT: where were these experts during my birth? As the commenters pointed out, I wasn’t choking, but dying nonetheless.

    • @[email protected]
      2 years ago

      You cannot choke when you are still connected with umbilical cord. You don’t have to breathe. EDIT: Ignore this comment, I was wrong. In my defense I have to say that this is what my biology teacher teached us, that babies cannot choke with their umbilical cord. But she is also antivax, so I shouldn’t have believed her.