• @Know_not_Scotty_does
    671 month ago

    Someone check the pizza trackers around the Pentagon. If it’s busy, we are in trouble

    • swim
      381 month ago


      But I’ve read they have since mitigated the traceability of their pizza eating through various means.

      • @Grimy
        431 month ago

        Someone finally got the green light on the pizza oven in the white house project they’ve been harrassing the budget committee about for five years.

        • @[email protected]
          141 month ago

          Man, I can only imagine how much specialized kitchen equipment the Whitehouse has been stocked with over time. I bet they can make fuckin’ anything

          • @[email protected]
            81 month ago

            There’s a comedic bit about that in one of those pulp thrillers. The President keeps trying to trip up the chef by requesting weird stuff, but the kitchen always comes through. But at the end of the book, the President sits down exhausted and just asks for a grilled American cheese sandwich—but they’re out of American.

            I’m sure that in reality, if they didn’t have something, they’d send a runner to go pick it up real quick. Or nowadays, maybe doordash.

          • Flying Squid
            61 month ago

            When the president wants Thai yellow curry today and menudo tomorrow, you make it for them.

        • @_stranger_
          41 month ago

          The U.S. Pizza Industrial Complex solution would be to constantly have a high number of pizza orders being fulfilled by various vendors across the tri state area, filling vast salt mine vaults with a strategic pizza reserve, thereby hiding the signal amongst the noise.

      • @thesporkeffect
        11 month ago

        They absolutely have not, though. They just took down the one guy’s tracker site that went viral