Getting therapy for the emotional damage from being unlawfully fired from a job almost two years ago.

There’s 3 months left in the statute of limitations. My therapist really thinks I should go after my former employer for this shit.

Idk if I should. I am employed at an amazing place rn and can’t really afford time off, but I also want justice for myself and anyone else who got the same treatment I did.

What do y’all think?

  • @marron12
    17 months ago

    Three months isn’t a lot of time, so I would talk to a lawyer sooner rather than later. Google employment lawyers in your area, or “attorney referral service [your state].” You should be able to get a free consultation.

    Some lawyers may be able to tell you right away if they’ll take your case, but it may take a little time. And you may want to get more than one opinion. If you have any documents, round those up and hang onto them.