• Blackbeard
    -21 month ago

    Tripling down doesn’t make you look smarter.

      • Blackbeard
        11 month ago

        Your desperate need to pigeonhole me as your enemy says otherwise.

        • @OccamsTeapot
          11 month ago

          I really don’t have any intention to do that, I don’t know you. Anyway looks like she chose correctly now. So it’s all good.

          • Blackbeard
            11 month ago

            apologetics the abhorrent

            Hmmm. Could have fooled anyone who can read.

            • @OccamsTeapot
              11 month ago

              Them: “We don’t want a VP candidate that supports genocide”

              You: “Oh look here comes the circular firing squad” ie “these people who take issue with the candidate are the problem, not the candidate”

              Please tell me how this isn’t apologetics or playing defense for someone supporting genocide

              • Blackbeard
                11 month ago

                The crazy thing about arguing with the far left is that they presuppose frames the exact same way as the far right, and then they blow a gasket when I refuse to engage on their bad faith terms, because obviously my unwillingness to accept their preliminary assumptions makes me an “apologist” for something. You’re a whisper away from baselessly calling me a Zionist. I can feel it coming.

                Go ahead, say it. Let the hate flow through you.

                • @OccamsTeapot
                  11 month ago

                  I like that YouTube series.

                  I’m not saying you’re an apologist, but clearly your initial comment laid the blame at the feet of unhappy voters, not the genocide supporting VP candidate. That feels like apologetics. Perhaps you think he would have been a bad choice too, but you chose to blame the left (or “far left”) for having a problem with this in your comment, without acknowledging the issue, and that speaks volumes.

                  You’re a whisper away from baselessly calling me a Zionist. I can feel it coming.

                  Lol and I’m supposedly the one making bad faith assumptions?

                  • Blackbeard
                    11 month ago

                    I’m not saying you’re an apologist, but clearly your initial comment laid the blame at the feet of unhappy voters, not the genocide supporting VP candidate.

                    You’re so close to seeing your presupposed framing for what it is.

                    That feels like apologetics.

                    To you? Sure. That’s not in any way surprising.

                    Perhaps you think he would have been a bad choice too, but you chose to blame the left (or “far left”) for having a problem with this in your comment, without acknowledging the issue, and that speaks volumes.

                    There you go again. I’m not sure why you feel the need to ascribe your brain dump binaries onto me, as if somehow I can only believe the things you make up for me.

                    Lol and I’m supposedly the one making bad faith assumptions?

                    Bad faith terms. Read more carefully. Also that’s not an assumption, that’s a prediction. Again, read more carefully. I’m not surprised the message in that video was totally lost on you. Disappointed, to be sure, but not at all surprised.

                    What happened to “I don’t really care dude”? Seems like you suddenly care again. When did that change?