The title is really vague, so I’ll try to clarify my intentions here:

I am an ardent supporter of FOSS. It will be greatly beneficial for my life and especially my privacy to self-host such software. Yet, I cannot find much motivation to do so.

However, when it comes to hosting software for public use, I can usually give my utmost concentration and dedication.

This is not how I want my life to be. I want to be motivated for myself as well as for the community. And if that’s not possible, I need to trick my brain into bringing me into that kind of zone for myself.

What do I do? What would you do in this situation?

  • fmstrat
    27 months ago

    Does “for myself” mean “for profit”, as in a job, or do you mean community work?

    If it’s the latter, and you have a passion for hosting instead of developing, that’s totally OK.