Hi All,

About a year ago I transferred all my files to a new drive. I used filzezilla which did mostly ok-ish, but I didn’t notice that some of the video files were corrupted. Random files will have a green tinge to them (like someone put a green filter over the lens).

It seems random, although if it’s a series it’s usually the whole series.

I’ve been replacing them as they come up, but I was wondering if anyone had any bright ideas to expedite the process.

Thanks for any help!

  • @batmaniamOP
    7 months ago

    Making a toplevel comment to say thank you! Especially to @[email protected] , @[email protected] and @[email protected] .

    1. The files are not corrupted.
    2. Disabling hardware acceleration removed the issue entirely. (edit: “use hardware acceleration when available” is unchecked, “use hardware-accelerated video encoding” remains active"

    So something in the way plex works with my GPU (Ellesmere Radeon Pro WX 5100) for hardware acceleration was going askew.

    Thanks for educating me on some new tools! My nieces also thank you. Bluey should be blue, not green.