Google’s story over the last two decades has been a tale as old as time: enshittification for growth. The once-beloved startup—with its unofficial “Don’t Be Evil” motto—has instead become a major Internet monopolist, as a federal judge ruled on Monday, dominating the market for online search. Google is also well-known for its data-harvesting practices, for constantly killing off products, and for facilitating the rise of brain-cell-destroying YouTubers who make me Fear for Today’s Youth. (Maybe that last one is just me?)

Google’s rapid rise from “scrappy search engine with doodles” to “dystopic mega-corporation” has been remarkable in many ways, especially when you consider just how much goodwill the company squandered so quickly. Along the way, though, Google has achieved one unexpected result: In a divided America, it offers just about everyone something to hate.

Here are just a few of the players hating Google today.

  • @profdc9
    311 month ago

    Stock holders demand infinite growth. If the management doesn’t make money, they put in place new management. A company is only worth the value of the next stock buyback or dividend. It’s baked into the structure of corporations, especially publicly-owned corporations.

    • @[email protected]
      141 month ago

      Stock holders can sue the company if there’s a loss, too. That shouldn’t be a thing, but here we are.

      • @[email protected]
        121 month ago

        Whoever passed that bullshit is responsible for so much of what’s wrong with our economy.

    • @[email protected]
      1 month ago

      *Capitalism demands infinite growth. Because the goal of Capitalism first and foremost isn’t providing a good product or upholding moral values, but making money.