Despite the massive breach where we found out that notes (where lots of people stored previous passwords) were not stored encrypted by Lastpass, I have stuck with them for years because its hard to switch services.

Recently I realized that both my wife and I were paying for 2 separate password manager services and we need to consolidate down to one.

Staying with LastPass and moving to a family account would only cost $4/m which is still 1/2 what we were paying combined.

Is there another manager that offers Apple, Android, and Browser based applications/plugins? Ideally also with an authentication app, though I can swap to any authentication if I need to so its just a nice to have.

  • @[email protected]
    124 months ago

    It took me less than 30 minutes to transfer my LastPass vault to Proton Pass. The actual transfer took under a minute, then I just had to reorganize the folders. Definitely worth the switch.

    • Runwaylights
      74 months ago

      The transfer into proton is indeed very easy and with their family pack you also get Mail, Drive, VPN, Calendar and they keep working on adding more. Very happy with proton and their fight for privacy