• @[email protected]
      177 months ago

      Beware ye all who enter this thread: Ye be warned, there is not but 2009 Facebook status hot takes beyond this point.

    • @SirDerpy
      7 months ago

      The Widow’s Mite, ancient wisdom, is a shit take? Awesome.

      I think you need more time to develop the courage to effect your principles. But, I’m sure you’re too busy developing the systems of exploitation, “engineer”. You could defect. But, that takes courage. It likely doesn’t even register as a choice.

      • @WR5
        257 months ago

        So in a democracy you’d vote for no one, as they’d all have chosen to be politicians by definition?

        • @SirDerpy
          -357 months ago

          Voting isn’t very important in the US “democracy” because nearly all of the politicians take corporate money. It’s the same goals with different marketing. All that’s changed recently is one party just unwillingly took their mask off. To abide by my principles I don’t vote for any candidate that takes corporate money.

          However, if I still lived in a purple state, I’d strongly consider sacrificing my principle for those that can’t suffer another Trump term. But, in my deep red state I’ll vote Green POTUS to put pressure Democratic platform. My POTUS vote will at least have a chance of being heard. But, probably not. There’s no way 5% of voters learn how their system works before November. It has to get worse before enough are sufficiently motivated.

          • @barsquid
            107 months ago

            Shouldn’t she also have given away all her excess money, or is that only disqualifying for Dems?

            • @SirDerpy
              7 months ago

              You’re the only one who asked a decent question, so far. Thanks.

              I assume you mean Stein? She sucks because she’s isolated from the negative consequence of her proposed means and cares little for the agency of those who’d pay the price. I’d not vote for her if she could win. The Green candidate doesn’t matter until they could win.

              The value is platform. Green has been fiercely loyal to their platform for decades. Five percent of the GE would place immense pressure upon Democratic platform immediately because the social populist platform would be on every ballot in the next cycle. Then, after fours years, their choice of candidate would matter.

              • Icalasari
                37 months ago

                So essentially, you will vote for whatever will have the greatest potential good effect. Deep red state? Green, Dems won’t win so why not pressure politicians? Swing state? Blue, best not to let the fascists drag everything further to hell if you can. Deep Blue? Green, Dems will win, so pressure them. Green? Find a party even more likely to drag the overton window back to left, if they exist. The furthest left sane option is likely to win? Protest vote of nobody as now you can tell them the system itself is the problem

                I can respect that

                • @SirDerpy
                  7 months ago

                  So essentially, you will vote for whatever will have the greatest potential good effect.


                  Deep red state? Green, Dems won’t win so why not pressure politicians?

                  Deep Blue? Green, Dems will win, so pressure them.

                  These are the easier ones.

                  Swing state? Blue, best not to let the fascists drag everything further to hell if you can.

                  I’d probably vote for Kamala if I lived in a swing state. But, shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. I could respect other choices based upon the reasoning and lived experience presented with them.

                  Find a party even more likely to drag the overton window back to left, if they exist.

                  Sure, if electoral means is the way one wants to contribute to our future. But, the Greens are doing fine holding on to a framework of ballot access and I discourage party loyalty. Critically right now, and relative electoralism, there’s more meaningful alternative contributions individuals could choose.

                  The furthest left sane option is likely to win?

                  That’s what we’d like to think about ourselves. The truth is that when movements scale they suck. The best humanity can seem to do at scale is to render mediocrity the ascendant power among mankind.

                  Protest vote of nobody as now you can tell them the system itself is the problem

                  I thought about doing this. But, by time I got through the line I realized I’d waste two minutes of a hundred people’s time for nothing. I voted my races and got out of the way.

                  I can respect that

                  Thank you.

      • @paultimate14
        247 months ago

        Bruh admitting your wisdom is outdated isn’t the flex you think it is.

        • @SirDerpy
          -297 months ago

          The principle of personal sacrifice in love is outdated?

          Get well soon.

          • @paultimate14
            217 months ago

            Who said anything about love? Are you trying to establish personal romantic relationships with the politicians you are a constituent of?


            • @SirDerpy
              -257 months ago

              What is politics but scaled, anonymous love for fellow humans?

              • Flying Squid
                37 months ago

                I don’t know, hoping a rapist dictator doesn’t get into power and throw all the Latino and queer people into concentration camps?

      • ALoafOfBread
        7 months ago

        “Ancient Wisdom” applied stupidly can indeed lead to shit takes. In this case, you’re criticizing this politician because… he didn’t give halloween handouts proportional to his income? His halloween candy bars weren’t a sufficiently significant sacrifice? And then you’re knocking this commenter because their opinion that your take is shit means they are blinded by the “systems of exploitation” they create as an engineer and their lack courage to share your moral views about the virtue of dispensing halloween candy proportional to ones wealth? You’re like a charicature of a cringey philosophy major - and I was a philosophy major. Stop pontificating and think logically about your argument.

        Look at Protestants in America “interpreting” their “ancient wisdom” in all sorts of wacky ways. The Baptists’ “ancient wisdom” tells them they’ll go to hell if they dance. The pentacostals’ “ancient wisdom” says that the Holy Spirit will possess you and make you speak gibberish if you believe hard enough. The “christian science” people’s ancient wisdom tells them to pray cancer away - and if they fail to, it’s because they aren’t righteous enough.

        Just because you can loosely relate some “ancient wisdom” to a situation doesn’t mean that it’s applicable or that you’re correct.

        My wisdom would tell me that this guy’s halloween handouts don’t really say anything about him other than either that he: just likes giving out halloween candy, sees it as a smart political move, or both.

        • @SirDerpy
          -187 months ago

          I’m criticizing the politician for living a significantly higher quality of life than his constituents. And, I’m criticizing the masses for aggrandizing the meaningless action because he’s a politician. I think we deserve much better leadership.

          It’d been nice if you asked a question instead of creating a strawman then spending three paragraphs defeating it.

          • @[email protected]
            137 months ago

            Dude he was a coach and a social studies teacher before he became a politician. I guarantee you he knows what it’s like to live on a middle class budget

            • @SirDerpy
              -97 months ago

              He stopped living that life and chose another. He’s no longer that person.

          • ALoafOfBread
            87 months ago

            If the strawman fits, burn it when you come to it. That’s what my grandpappy always used to say

      • marighost
        187 months ago

        You’re typing a lot, but you’re not saying anything.

        • ArxCyberwolf
          87 months ago

          He seems like the kind of person that really likes hearing the sound of their own voice and goes on and on even if he has nothing of substance to actually say. An exhausting person to be around.

          • @NormalPerson
            57 months ago

            Imagine being their mother and having to listen to this every time you make them their bagel bites.

        • @SirDerpy
          -217 months ago

          Perhaps you’re not understanding and choosing the convenience of shallow judgement.