• @fishos
    27 months ago

    You can literally say the exact same thing with Windows. That’s how you Linux peeps feel, constantly yelling “why are you using windows! Stop having fun!”

    Is windows perfect? Nah. But does it work most the time? Yeah. All the bitching about windows being shit and yet my 300+ installed games all work… Crazy…

    How about just let people use what they like and shut up with the damn “my OS is better than yours” nonsense?

    It’s posts like this, that even though I’ve used Linux in the past, make me immediately think “nah, fuck that, I’ll stick to windows. I don’t want to deal with those people.”

    You’re more of a harm than help.

    • Domi
      97 months ago

      I’ll stick to windows. I don’t want to deal with those people."

      That’s a strange conclusion to come to, installing an OS doesn’t come with the obligation to deal with anyone.

      I like to play games on Steam but that doesn’t mean I have to deal with the atrocity that is the Steam forums.

      • @Feathercrown
        7 months ago

        Until you need tech support from a forum

      • @[email protected]
        37 months ago

        Oh, being annoying to casual user makes them anti to whatever we promote.

        The keyword is being moderate and helpful. Not forceful or annoying.

    • @[email protected]
      57 months ago

      The irony of posting this meme with a title telling other people how to have fun is just perfect.

    • @Bluefruit
      27 months ago

      I’m def a windows hater but i dont fault people for using it. Most folks arent gonna know how to install a diffrent os or even want to if what they have already works.

      Use what you like and what works.

    • 0x0
      -27 months ago

      I’d say around half of the games I play on Linux require some kind of special launch script, specific Wine version, or even different versions of Steam to run properly. It’s nowhere near as simple as people make it out to be.

      • poVoqM
        127 months ago

        You must have an odd selection of games. For me, 90% of the time I just click play on Steam and it works.

      • @stupidcasey
        67 months ago

        IDK man, I was sticking with windows strictly for gaming purposes but ever since I got my steam deck I haven’t had a single problem and any inconvenience is grossly outweighed by windows GD updates and halting the entire system to show an ad… on my $150 copy of windows…. I’m not saying every game will play that’s just objectively wrong but I am saying you either won’t notice or will easily find something that does work, also I don’t think people pay attention to how much tinkering it takes to get older windows games to work.

      • @[email protected]
        67 months ago

        Different versions of Steam? What the fuck are you on about? You must be making your Linux gaming harder than it has to be. I’ve done all sorts of weird shit to install games and mods on Linux but I have never even seen an installation guide that requires somehow creating a different version of Steam.

        Even with launch scripts and wine versions Lutris usually covers almost every game I’ve wanted to install. Lutris makes setting up right scripts and wine versions as easy as it is to install runtimes on Windows.