‘Donald Trump is losing his marbles,’ former Congressman and Republican Adam Kinzinger said

Republicans are concerned that party leader Donald Trump is having a “public nervous breakdown” after he made a series of offensive outbursts about Vice President Kamala Harris as he slips behind her in the polls.

The former president has made a number of  insulting personal attacks against his Democratic rival since she moved to the top of the ticket. Last week, Trump questioned Harris’s racial identity  at the National Association of Black Journalists conference. Over the weekend, he accused Harris of having a “low IQ.”

New polls indicate Trump is slipping behind the vice president in the popular vote and races are tightening in battleground states.

“This is what you would call a public nervous breakdown,” Matthew Bartlett, a Republican strategist and former Trump state department appointee, told Politico.

  • @[email protected]
    421 month ago

    Finding out the Supreme Court isn’t going give him unlimited power might’ve blown a gasket.

    On top of what you said if Harris wins a prosecutor who Trump constantly insults will be president, and Biden, who Trump also insults and put his son in prison, will have 3 months to do whatever the fuck he wants. Lol

    • @[email protected]
      371 month ago

      All true except Biden had nothing to do with his son being prosecuted. At most, Biden will allow him to go to prison by leaving office without pardoning him (which I believe he will do, because it’s the not-corrupt thing to do.)

      • @dhork
        301 month ago

        No, he absolutely should pardon Hunter. He should acknowledge the hypocrisy in a public statement, though. He should note the broad power the Supreme Court has given him to take Official Actions like this with impunity, and double-dog dare Congress to do whatever it takes to rein in abuses like that.

        • @[email protected]
          191 month ago

          This would actually be pretty cool, and might even work to restore some balance to the scales of justice. Alas, I don’t think Biden has the requisite cojones.

          • @dhork
            81 month ago

            Since it involves his kid, though, he might find the juice to do it.

            • @toasteecup
              151 month ago

              I don’t think it’s a matter of having the chutzpah or not.

              Biden at his core is a pretty solid straight lace public servant. He listens to the majority of the people and tries to do what’s best for the country. While that move would be great for the country, it goes against his straight lacedness.

        • @[email protected]
          101 month ago

          It’s not an abuse, or at least not a new abuse. Presidents always had pardon power, and trump himself pardoned his friends. Nothing to do with the SC ruling.

          • @dhork
            111 month ago

            But he can now highlight it as an “official act”, which means that he can do whatever he wants, no backsies.

            He can further drive the point home by publically stating that Hunter gave him a $5 “gratuity” afterwards, and daring Mike Johnson to impeach him over it.

        • @theangryseal
          71 month ago

          I mean, this is what I’d do.

          I try hard to hold onto my moral compass and practice what I preach, but when it comes to my kids I probably could go hard. Especially if they were facing a future in a cage. If I had the power I just wouldn’t let it happen.

      • @[email protected]
        31 month ago

        Biden should direct the ATF to pull Marijuana Receipts and IDs from dispensary logs. Then compare that against FID card dates and charge the lot of them.

        Conservatives would howl about prosecution, then he can just pardon all of them, including his son.

    • @IchNichtenLichten
      81 month ago

      Amazing how quickly things can turn around. I was getting worried when Biden was still in the race. Now it’s open season on those peculiar far right oddballs.