I did my 10 x 12s around dangerous mining equipment! Don’t worry, I almost got flattened by a 400 t mining truck only once!

  • @Rakonat
    407 months ago

    As a night shifter, occasionally this is a perk. You can get simple questioned answered the same day, and if there is ever some kind of policy issue it can be brought to their attention relatively easily. To say nothing of an emergency situation where you need someone above shift supervisor, management may say call them in an emergency but they never answer their phone at 3am but god forbid you don’t pick up on the third ring at 2pm when you’ve been asleep since noon.

    • @Eheran
      117 months ago

      Okay but that is a “their” problem? I always found nights to be quiet. If there is no emergency contact in place or can not be reached, that can be shitty, but at the end of the day not my problem.

      • @Rakonat
        137 months ago

        Rule one of management is their problem is everyone below thems problem. Conflicting info/orders? You should know who is right. Bad info given? Why did you do something so dumb? Short staffed? Figure it out. Day side is short? Why arent you helping your team?

        If you have any responsibilities on overnights save for run a machine to hit quotas there is always going to be some dumb mandate or oversight from management on the dayside that your team is going to take a hit for.