Hey, I’m trying to make fried chicken. I MUST today, for the sake of my future confidence and the joy of my day TODAY. I want to use chicken breast, thighs are too fatty for me.

How? I’m looking up recipes but they all seem so disingenuous. I know that sounds stupid, but I thought maybe asking real people would give me a better chance.

Chicken breast, buttermilk. Those are the only ingredients I feel like I must use. Anyone have any advice on the fried chicken? I’ve got regular canola oil, olive oil, extra virgin, and I’m waiting to visit the grocery store. I was about to go but I just don’t feel confident. Please, anyone have a list of ingredients worth using together?

  • @explodes
    7 months ago

    Note you can also filter the oil into a jar when you’re done so that you can reuse the oil.

    Tips: write the type of protein you used the oil for, type of oil, first use date, and number of uses. Should be good for a couple weeks. Store in a cool dark room.

    • @shalafi
      37 months ago

      Or freeze it. And you’re spot on. Mom saved bacon grease for cooking and kept it rotated. Good tip!