• @chardiemacdennis
    3810 months ago

    Op did you actually post this 2 years ago??? What is going on…

            • LazaroFilm
              710 months ago

              Could it be that some deep liked that post today, and that got picked up by the hot algorithm (got a new upvote) and then snowballed over here.

          • @dingus
            410 months ago

            Honestly I do kind of like it! It’s like unearthing a time capsule lol

      • @Contramuffin
        2010 months ago

        There’s a known bug with the algorithm that causes old posts to pop up from time to time. Hope it gets fixed soon

        • @Carnelian
          610 months ago

          I think I read that it’s related to old posts being copied to new instances

    • @[email protected]OP
      21 month ago

      lol I have no idea why it got popular now. Basically it was how Reddit handled this and then r/europe banned me permanently because I mentioned Lemmy. Tbh .ml wasn’t the best place to join Lemmy in retrospect, I’ve moved to lemmy.kde.social