So she’s kind of been reluctant in people knowing where she lives. And from my understanding you can just leave if you want but when it comes to her house. And since yeah it’s her house I do wonder where the boundary lays. So I am an adult yes and my mom is out right now with my sister taking care of me and staying around the house which has me worried but she said she would be back either Sunday or Monday and I’m planning on taking my chances Sunday. But seriously what is the rules as it comes down to there are cameras my sister has access to so I think she might see me leaving anyway and question me on this. So what exactly are my rights as an adult? Can someone pick me up in the driveway and we just leave together and then come back home? I do think even if I leave and come back home that can show some form of trust and then I can eventually tell my mom what I did when she gets back home. I even hope I can use my recent birthday as an excuse to start dating. But the main point I want to bring up is if I can tell someone where I live and have them pick me up outside the house?

  • TWeaK
    -117 months ago

    This is wrong. Because OP is now an adult they are legally a tenant and thus OP’s mom would have to formally evict OP.

      • TWeaK
        17 months ago

        Of course, but OP hasn’t said where they’re from, and the only thing we have to go on is that they talk about their “mom”. This generally points to someone being from the US (however it could be someone that merely learned English from a US-style teacher).

        At the very least, we can reasonably conclude they’re not in Canada, the UK or Australia.

      • TWeaK
        17 months ago

        If OP’s mom does not formally evict OP then OP would be able to sue for an unlawful eviction. In such a circumstance, OP would want to call the police to gain entry - if not to assert their tenancy rights and stay in the property then at least to collect their belongings.