One of Washington’s largest corporate tax breaks has grown alongside a data center boom in Central Washington, including this data center in East Wenatchee owned by the Sabey Corp. Despite forgoing more than $474 million since 2018, the state can’t say how many jobs were created by the tax break. During that same time frame, it also hasn’t evaluated whether the revenue loss was worth it.

  • @czardestructo
    257 months ago

    Needing something is one thing, tax payer subsidies is another topic entirely. State tax payers have now all chipped in for these Data centers and the question is was it worth it for them.

      • sunzu
        47 months ago

        Taxpyer is the ultimate bagholder in today’s economy. All the risk, all the costs zero fucking return.

        buT 20 JoBs we MaDE for PeAsaNTs rhEee

    • @TCB13
      -27 months ago

      tax payer subsidies

      It’s not subsidies, it is tax breaks if companies go there. A very different thing.