On stuff outside of lemmygrad, we are receiving a lot of hate, especially by those who just moved from Reddit. Guess they lost their hidden privilege at Reddit as their rhetoric used to be almost universal over there, while genzedong and our other subs get censored and banned. And now, on lemmy, their stuff isn’t universal, as we are more prevalent here. Seems like they really want that hidden privilege back

  • @[email protected]
    331 year ago

    There’s the etymology of tankie and there’s the actual ways it’s used. The etymology is rolling tanks into Hungary in 1956, which caused a solit (among many) among UK communists (who came up with the term). The usage varies wildly because liberals don’t understand politics very well and slap it on anything to the left of Obama.

    Communista understand politics through a series of criticisms of capitalism and a framework by which to understand those within it, namely economic classes whose interests align/do not align depending on the material context. You might find that some of this appeals to you, as a material grounding is more common in Eastern traditions than Western. Also we are super duper correct, so we’ve got that going for us.

    Re: flawed humans, there are of course a variety of people out there and we all make mistakes. However, it’s also important to recognize tgatva lot that is attributed to “human nature” is actually fairly recent and is either a consequence of living under the capitalist system (which came into being over a period of about 1000 years) or is just a myth spread to justify the violences done by that system to the common person.

    And re: perfection, you might like us there, too. We view the political economic system as an evolving thing that changes relative to material conditions. There is no perfext system, but there are valid struggles to replace the current one with systems that prioritize people over profit. For example, no communist would say that socialism is the solution to hunter-gatherers in Crete because hunter-gathering Crete isn’t capitalist - the idea would have no meaning. We also know and expect that the fight doesn’t stop even after a revolution, that there will still be struggles for a long time - but at least we could fight them together and with greater agency.

    • @MiddleWeigh
      1 year ago

      Hey thanks for writing that… OK so you’ve confirmed my general understanding of the idealogy.

      After I wrote that I knew you were gona come back with something about capitalist perspective and long term goal. So that was a good refresher for me I appreciate it.

      I feel like there is too many people still tbh lol.

      Capitalism doesn’t work. I’ve been through it and it’s underbelly enough to know that. I do think the wealthy west has distorted our view of ourselves. I’m aware of that. I try to come at things as objectively as possible, though sometimes I fail.

      I sort of agree with the main tenants of communism absolutely. I do consider myself somewhat of a socialist, tho I’m more a broad strokes type person, hence I sort of default to self betterment and mindfulness, while trying to bring a base understanding of our nature through my interactions to others as a way to better the world. My perfect system would be living close to the land, hunter gather style. Im kind of a hermit tbh (: there too many people for me lol.

      I bookmarked your comment. I’m gonna revisit it later. Appreciate the talk.

      Edit: fwiw, I do believe at a fundamental level, people are good, and we are in agreement about things more than we disagree. We just have a track record of complicating the simple ime. Im guilty as well.

      • @[email protected]
        121 year ago

        Thanks for being open-minded!

        I might say that capitalism does work, but only for the ruling class (business owners) and those they can rope into doing their anti-worker dirty work. The system isn’t broken and need fixing, it’s working exactly how they want it to and it must be destroyed.

        Being vaguely socialist is 100% cool btw. No need to get too deep into labels. The most helpful thing is to be class conscious and be active in your community in a way that’s cognizant of that. Helping people get better wages, win unions, support politicians antithetical to capital (they’re very rare and nobody in the squad would count), support strikes, support social housing, oppose war that your country supports, and so on. Never supporting cops in capitalist countries. Diving deep into left theory is handy for doing those things better and having clear eyes about what is coming next, but it’s less important than doing some of these clearly good anti-capitalist things. It can also help you choose a group to organize with, as some groups are do-nothing orgs.

        Also nothing wrong with wanting to live in a smaller community or even a reclusive life. Alienated city life is an imposition that violates the connection and community most people want to have. Folks can’t plant roots long enough to know their neighbors, let alone create a community. That’s a consequence of real estate, rent, and unemployment, a whole other can of worms.

        There’s a recent book you might enjoy called The Dawn of Everything. It’s co-written by David Graeber, who had anarchist leanings but respected Marxist thought. It has many examples of societies defining and redefining themselves relative to material conditions snd relative to one another.

        • @[email protected]OP
          131 year ago

          It warms your heart when you see Liberals actually coming here with an open mind and actually wanting to learn more. Wish we could have more of that. Too tired of all the bickering.

        • @MiddleWeigh
          21 year ago

          Sounds like a good book, i definitely have anarchist leanings, though i do acknowledge that prob wouldnt work atm lol. ive bookmarked your comments. It’s hard not to be class conscious when your a victim of class warfare, tho some have definitely had it worse than me. It’s becoming less about racial lines, and more about rich poor.

          I’d like to think I do my part day to day in what little way I can, even if it’s just making one person a little bit more conscious of their own situation yknow.

          Enjoyed the discussion so far thanks.

          • @[email protected]
            41 year ago

            There’s plenty of value in reading anarchists, of course. Reading widely is the best bet, as one can become limited and engage in bad practice if they become too embedded in factionalism. Not that it’s always wrong to have fights, just that it tends to end up being pointless and based on the people picking fights having their ignorance exploited by ruling class propaganda.

            The ruling class under capitalism had and rediscovers many weapons for combatting class consciousness, unfortunately. Living as a worker under capitalism tends to breed a nascent class consciousness through (Marxist term) exploitation, but it needs shaping through education. Unfortunately the ruling class can redirect that nascent class consciousness into a false consciousness of division, condescension, and hate. As an example, whiteness and blackness, and particularly anti-black racism, were literally invented as a form of social control to divide European bonded laborers from African slave bonded laborers and then later exploited to phase out bonded labor of Europeans entirely while still maintaining control over black slaves. An often-ignored fact is that Bacon’s Rebellion was an integrated, class solidarity action of a variety of people in bonded labor, European and African and more, and that the ruling class’s response to this was to invent racial economic rules and guarantee societal race privileges as a substitute for economic ones.

            We can see the same thing play out today, where bosses and management point the finger at “illegal” immigrant labor (a proxy for the predominantly brown labor underclass) for (usually white) workers’ ills, when it’s of course the bosses picking all workers’ pockets.

            Same game plan had worked for about 400 years and it requires resistance and organization, the bedrock of communists’ work. It’s also not restricted to race - the ruling class applies this tactic and tries to split based on:

            • Gender
            • Age
            • Nation of origin
            • Language
            • Religion
            • Job class

            Basically… we’ve got work to do in order to avoid increasingly fascistic outcomes, as fascism is just a particular form of false consciousness imposed by the ruling class to deal with crises of capitalism, and it is increasing in visibility with every crisis.

            PS not trying to get you to go do commie things, just wanted to add some context on how class consciousness is not inevitable from our working conditions. We are all in our own states of mind and at different points of how we can and want to do extra work.

            I’ve also enjoyed the discussion.

            • @MiddleWeigh
              21 year ago

              Now see what your saying here just comes off as common sense to me lol

              Your preaching to the choir with that one (:

      • @pleasemakesense
        21 year ago

        Just to add some things not mentioned by the other poster about tankies, 1. They deny any sort of atrocities committed by communist regimes, 2. They believe in “socialism for one country”, which means for example the subservience of the countries in the warsaw pact to the Soviet union (like previously mentioned the name tankie comes from tanks rolling into hungry) 3. Support of previous Soviet countries such as Russia, under the guise of a united front against fascist/capitalist US supported nations

        • @MiddleWeigh
          21 year ago

          To me, from a random common person, I can not abide by anyone trafficking in human suffering. There has always been a ruling class, in every form of govt. Communism is no different.

          Atrocities just take different forms, forms of human nature.

          It’s a constant battle with our own biology.

          I’m the opposite of an authoritarian. Quite frankly I hate anything that takes itself remotely seriously. To imagine kicking up violence in the name of personal gain, is to imagine being stupid. I don’t want to be stupid.

          The answers are seemingly beyond our grasp at every turn. I believe this is due to our innate qualities as humans. And this is just what it means to be alive.

          We are climbing the ladder of evolution. Whether we make it past this bottleneck is yet to be decided, but I believe discussion like this is what pushes the boundaries of our own imagination and awareness, of our place in the world and the battle to make life better.

          That is all.

          • @pleasemakesense
            21 year ago

            Yeah, I just wanted to clarify things that the other poster didn’t really acknowledging, that is that the communists in this community is kind of a fringe subset of communism. Obviously discussion is very good and I’m not opposed to the posts here, but if you are not particularly interested in authoritarianism, any derivate of Leninists you might not be comfortable with

            • @MiddleWeigh
              21 year ago

              Yea I’m a bit ignorant on all that so thanks for clarification.

              You actually have touched on something that I was wondering about.

              Why are these authoritarian regimes not considered a ruling class? I mean they are basically royalty.

              I just don’t see a justification for some of these things from a communist poverty, besides control, “for our own good”. But it’s obvious these are not good people and are just a different flavor of the scum bags that run DC. All profit, power, gain. The workers take over, a new ruling class takes over. Rinse repeat.

              I don’t see that cycle breaking unless there are far far far less humans populating the earth.

              I don’t know.

              • @pleasemakesense
                21 year ago

                It’s kind of an extension of the communist party being ‘the vanguard’ of the worker movement and that the societies which communist revolutions took place wasn’t really capitalist (Russia was more agrarian) so an intermediate step was required to move onto a ‘real’ communist society. Enter the ‘dictatorship of the proletariet’, purpose of is to move the country along and set up the requirements for communism. This dictatorship would then naturally go away as the country moved to communism. After Stalin took power the dictatorship took on other facets that basically made it a permanent feature.

                So to answer your question it’s because it’s deemed necessary to have a ‘ruling class’ and to have hardship to eventually move onto communism.

                • @MiddleWeigh
                  21 year ago

                  Hmm. I was afraid so. I’m not sure how I feel about that. Sort of feels like pretext to me.

                  Perfect communism could probably only work with a small group of people so it’s pretty much a constant state until a mass extinction event happens. …all the while you do in fact have a shitty ruling class.

                  • @pleasemakesense
                    31 year ago

                    Luckily there are other left ideologies that are more palateble than leninism and marxist-leninist, like Democratic socialism, anarchism and such. Lots of reading can be done 😃