You all are probably sick of all these high quality professional shots I’ve been posting, so I took some photos on my phone for you yesterday so we can get back to keeping it real. 😉

As I’ve mentioned before, the mesh they use here is by far the worst I’ve encountered for taking pics, especially since the Pixel doesn’t think anyone needs manual focus. I downloaded Open Camera and tried using that this time to see if I could do better.

Title photo is of the new Barred Owl that was being so cute and singing to me on my last visit. He made one little noise this time and that was it.

It was windy and rainy, so most of the birds were in the back of their enclosures and tucked in to stay cozy. I don’t blame them.

This is him about a foot away. The screening is not so bad for your eyes, but it just dominates the focus on the camera, and it’s smaller than a pinky so I can’t even press up against it to shoot through the holes as I normally do.

  • anon6789OP
    101 month ago

    They had a few Peregrines which I always enjoy as well. This one was the only one that wanted to sit nicely.