Not sure if I just haven’t noticed the standard disclaimer before or if it’s a new “feature” 😬

  • @reddig33
    41 month ago

    It’s strange they’d add a disclaimer here instead of just adding it to a license agreement you have to agree to. I mean you’d need additional disclaimers for all sorts of stuff like “For any legal advice, consult a lawyer.” Etc etc.

    • @sramderOP
      21 month ago

      I agree, that’s what I was trying to get at but I didn’t want to detract from the garish humor. I can’t quite tell what triggers it either; I tried a few random (human) anatomy facts, bug related questions… even some answers it pulled from didn’t have it.

      Bugs me (no pun intended)… though I do appreciate the attempt at subtlety. 

      • Mbourgon everywhere
        229 days ago

        I got something similar, but about talking with a physician before taking a drug.

        • @sramderOP
          129 days ago

          Slightly more solid advice ;-)

    • @ThekingoflordaA
      21 month ago

      Probably more for when people inevitably start finding mistakes and sharing it online. Apple can then just point to the obvious disclaimer.