• Angry_Autist (he/him)
    17 months ago

    Allow me to role play a southern traitor-flag waving sisterfucker for a few moments:

    Yew jes’ don’ get it. Thas why we’r gunna win in 2024 whoo! Drumpf rules!

    He’s jes’ too real fer yew, he speaks what we’r all thinkin’ and we ar so gosh darn’ tir’d of yew high falutin’ city edumacated tranny chil’ traffikr’s tellin’ us to make cakes for y’all and forcin’ us all decent folk to be aware of yer very existunc in public like it’s normal!! Trannies belon’ hidden in our incawgneato mode private browsin’ sessions, nawy livin’ normal like regyewlar peopal!

    Now Ah am DEATHLY afraid of nawt appearin’ ‘normal’, so much that Ah will accep’ blindly any demon demuhnstration (haha Satan almost caught me there an made me type ‘demon’! Nawt Today Satan!) that some there authority figure performs, without, an Ah stress this as importan’, evahluating thee moral value or danger that authority man’s (because, nawt like they’d be a WOMAN right!? Haw! Puncin’ down is thee most powherful punchin’!) achtions acthchually involve.

    So wen mah leedurship picks a target, I durn better make noise loud and clear that I Hatemucate That Target Too Gosh Darn It! I hate it even more than you and that makes me righter and better! I hatemajigger them/it/us twice as loud cause I don’ want my righteous brothers findin’ out my daughter was born a son and is staying a daughter no matter how many times I beat or humiliate 'em.

    Ah don’ know the first thing about bayologee or chemistree or fisicks, but Ah DO know that some goatherder 3000 years ago thought gay people icky ahn I don’ want Mah communitee thinkin’ mah family icky so I’m gonna ignore 80 years of science an’ just keep beatin 'em till they’re norhmul again.

    Man, what would ah do if they tought mah family icky? They’d cast us out! Then what wuld we do? Go to the dirty commie tranny bleedy edumacated people? Heck no, those babykiller/eaters/diddlers would reject US Jus’ Leik’ We Been Rejectin’ Them for all mah laife.

    Oh what wer we talkin’ about? Yeah Trannies wanna indoctruhnate yer chillren to be enviruhnmentally cohnscious an’ respectin’ worl’ cultchure an’ treatin’ brown peopul laik nohrmul peopul. We can’t be havin’ that so that’s why Drumpf is right!