This guy breaks down just how bad the layout of the new PHB is. The cross referencing is non-existent and the subsections seem to go in the order someone thought of them. I’m sadly unsurprised that they’ve not improved on any of these problems which existed in the original 5e PHB.

  • @the_toast_is_gone
    37 months ago

    Love me some Pathfinder. I’m gearing up for a solo game right now.

    • @scootypuff
      27 months ago

      Right on! Published adventure or homebrew?

      • @the_toast_is_gone
        27 months ago

        I’m in a group game right now that’s in the third act of Gatewalkers, and my own game is going to be homebrew. I considered getting the Kingmaker module for Foundry since I already have a license - I got it so my friend could GM Warhammer Fantasy RP for us - but my eyes watered at the $120 price tag for the Kingmaker module.